It just ain’t true. Covid is a hoax.
Others got a vaccine; me you’ll never coax.

My Daddy died in April, my sis passed on in June.
They said they had the Covid then they were gone too soon.
Mom stayed on a ventilator, but it couldn’t save her breath
She thought she was immune to it, but ended in her death.


Sometimes I wear a face mask, down around my chin,
Really doesn’t matter cause it’s all a gov’ment din.
Varients are really worse, the scientists are sayin’,
How can that be accurate, when all of them are lie’n?


I thought I’d get Moderna or maybe just the Pfizer,
But why forever should I, when I’m really so much wiser?
Because I am so young and strong, and never even catch a cold
What could possibly go wrong? Of that I’m really sold!


So in the fall of just last year, Sammy fought in vain,
Caleb and Latisha said this virus was their bane.
Catherine and Jordan are still both sick in bed,
Agnes and Donovan are two of the recent dead.


Well many months have passed on by,
And half my friends refused to die.
They had Covid vaccinations followed by the Booster,
Now all of them are feeling fine and crowing like a rooster.


And so at last I’ve changed my tune,
I’ll get the Covid vaccine soon.
I’ll wear a mask when I’m near others,
Especially kids and older mothers.


I now believe what the scientists say
I’ll fight the virus every day
And with your help by doing the same
This pandemic we will finally tame.


It Just Ain’t True

Claire Rettenmund
Medium(s) Used

I started writing this in the early days of Covid 19 and envisioned it as a country western song. The poem was updated and expanded for this contest.