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WINNER Imogen Jones

Imogen is an eight-year-old Frankfort-native with a special zest for adventure. You’ll find her and her sister at the beach, exploring the woods, and on the ski hill. Imogen’s favorite part of skiing—the moguls. Even more than an adventurer, Imogen is a talented artist, from pencil drawings to knitting, this creative and imaginative work fuels her. She loves to attend classes and events at the local library and art center and jumped at the opportunity to submit artwork for the 2020 Voces for Vaccination contest.

When the COVID-19 pandemic started, like many others, it shook her life up. It meant virtual school, missing her friends, and less travel to see family they did not live nearby. As a lover of school, the face-to-face contact was missed, and she discussed it often with family. Imogen’s teachers would describe her as a friend to all and that she cares about helping her classmates feel included. While her parents were proud of her resilience during this time, they wished her Kindergarten and first grade experiences could have looked different.

Imogen received her vaccine shortly after they were deemed safe and effective for her age group. It allowed her family to travel to see grandparents without concern for getting them sick. In her own words, Imogen was excited to get the vaccine to protect her younger sister, Vesper, who was in an age that we did not yet have a vaccine for. Imogen is her sister’s greatest cheerleader and the friendship they have is heartwarming for those around them.

Now, almost a year after her vaccination, life looks closer to normal for Imogen and her family. Hear Imogen’s story and how the vaccine has enabled her to spend valuable time with friends and family and do more of the things she loves.