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Inspiring Artwork from Sisters

When the COVID-19 Pandemic hit in 2020, people all over the world experienced life-altering hardships. Essential workers were pushed well beyond their limits. Millions of people lost their jobs. And many lost loved ones.

For Addy, Mimi, and Ainsley Wiers, their experience was just as disruptive. The pandemic robbed them of so many of the things these young sisters loved. Their Charlevoix home became their classroom. They were forced to stay away from friends. Their hobbies and extracurriculars were cut from their lives. But the vaccine offered a light at the end of the tunnel. Seeing their lives gradually return to normal was enough to convince these girls that vaccination was the key to putting an end to the pandemic.

When Addy, Mimi, and Ainsley heard about the “Voices for Vaccination” awareness campaign, they decided to use the opportunity to inspire change in the community they call home. All three girls put pen to paper to share their stories and, in their own words, express the importance of getting vaccinated. Addy’s essay even went on to win first place in the youth category.